We have 158 members: People living with HIV/AIDS from South Africa and various other African countries. One of these we have 113 adults and 45 teenagers living with HIV/AIDS
Support Groups
We hold weekly support group meetings for adults and monthly ones for the teenagers. These are geared at: Helping members to understand and accept their HIV status. Preventing defaulting on ARV medication Helping members to share their status with partners, children and family members. Educating members about HIV/AIDS, and ARV medication and discuss with members on how they can be productive citizens and earn their own income
Skills training
We run a skills training program to help members earn their own living. In the past three years we have trained about 100 adults in skills such as hairdressing, manicure, health care assistant, kindergarten, boiler maker, truck driver, electrical engineer. Once they have a diploma they can start their own small business and use their bonus from the beadwork to kick-start their own enterprise.
Educational support
We help 100 families with educational support for their children. We help (mainly single) mothers to get children into schools, and buy books and school uniforms. We are also helping 7 teenagers with fees for their study at University or a High school. We have found that whilst there is quite a lot of support for adults living with HIV, we are one of the few groups who are assisting teenagers.
Income generation
We offer our members income generating activities: bead work and a sewing workshop. All our products are hand made by our members: migrants living with HIV. All the proceeds go to them in the form of payment for their work and in the form of running the Sr Mura Foundation whose sole purpose is to promote the interest of our members.
The head of the fundraising department is our treasurer, Portia Makamba-Otto (0738197021). She is assisted by our junior fundraiser Petronella Maduna (0680311285). For overseas fundraising, our CEO, Ricus Dullaert is responsible (+27731529022/+31655771503)
Health care
We employ a part-time registered nurse who runs a clinic and particularly helps the teenage group to learn good habits for living with HIV.
We run a charity shop in our garden at the Sister Mura Foundation,50 Dunbar street, Yeoville. This shop is open daily from 09:00-12:00, Saturdays 09:00-15:00, Sundays closed.We sell second hand items donated by churches,members and other well wishers.If you can donate second hand items ,call Portia on 073 819 7021.The proceeds of the charity shop are for the running costs of the Sister Mura Foundation
We are blessed with an experienced social worker, Mr Sam Khosa. On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00-16:00, he is at the foundation to offer counselling to our members and help them with legal and social issues as:
-Applying for placements in schools for the kids of members
-Applying for grants
-Applying for asylum seekers documents and permits
-Placement in shelters
Corona lockdown assistance
Sibongile and her family receiving a Corona Relief food parcel..
Sewing and Fashion
The sewing groups makes many beautiful items.
We can assist organisations with large orders for beadwork.
Coronavirus masks
We produce three-layered masks in colourful African fabrics.
158 +
100 +
Courses Provided
7 +
Countries Represented
Board members
Tendai from Zimbabwe receiving a Corona lockdown food parcel. From April 2020 till November 2020 we distributed 200 foodparcels to 200 needy families.